Wednesday 14 November 2012

Blackforest Cake

Kue ini pesanannya tetangga saya buat kasih kejutan ulang tahun buat Opa yg ke 60, Alhamdulillah yg pesan suka sama model dan rasa kuenya, bakulnya jadi ikutan seneng. Selamat Ulang Tahun Opa, Semoga Panjang Umur dan Selalu dalam Lindungan Allah.. Amiin.. Makasih Bu Donna untuk pesanannya...

Kue ini pesanannya adik saya, buat ultah anak ke dua nya yang baru berumur 1 tahun, minta tema taman safari ceritanya, basecake nya masih sama yaitu blackforest. Alhamdulillah suka sama model dan rasa kue nya juga. Selamat Ulang Tahun Dede Idho, semoga panjang umur dan jadi anak yg soleh yaah.. Amiin.. Makasih untuk penannya Leo...

Kue ini pesanannya rekan kerja dulu waktu sama-sama masih di Indovisual. Dan sekarang dia kerja di Makassar. dia pesan untuk kasih kejutan ulang tahun adiknya di Jakarta. dan minta tema musik, karena katanya adiknya suka sama musik. akhirnya jadi deh seperti ini, basecake nya masih blackforest, dan Alhamdulillah yg pesan juga suka sama model dan rasanya, malah repeat order.. Makasih Ria untuk pesanannya...


  1. The black forest cake recipe on your blog is truly enticing! The step-by-step instructions and vibrant images make it seem like a delightful baking adventure. As I explored your blog, I couldn't help but wonder if you've considered incorporating Baking Classes In Velachery. Your passion for baking shines through, and sharing your skills through classes could be a fantastic way to connect with local baking enthusiasts. Velachery has a growing community of food lovers, and offering classes could not only enhance your reach but also contribute to the culinary landscape of the area. I look forward to more scrumptious recipes and perhaps some baking sessions in the future!

  2. I stumbled upon this delightful Black Forest Cake recipe on your blog, and it instantly transported me to the world of exquisite baking. The detailed instructions and vibrant images make it a perfect guide for both beginners and seasoned bakers. Speaking of baking, if you're in Chennai and eager to enhance your baking skills, look no further than the Best Baking Classes in Chennai. These classes offer hands-on experience, expert guidance, and a chance to master the art of creating decadent desserts like the one you've shared. Thanks for the mouth-watering inspiration and the nod to fantastic baking classes in the vibrant city of Chennai!
